Card Imaging XXS
- Design & print cards
- Barcodes & photos
- Logos & backgrounds
- Unlimited designs
- Perfect for small organizations
- Store up to 200 records & photos
- Add up to 8 fields to your card design
- Create dual sided card designs
ASURE Enterprise
- For large organizations
- Link several ID stations together
- Designed for networked ID issuance
- Connect to SQL or other databases
Card Imaging XS
- All features of XXS
- Connect to Excel file
- Eliminate data entry
- Browse & find records
ASURE Express
- For midsize organizations
- Store unlimited photos and records
- Add unlimited fields to your card design
- Print photo directories
- Mag stripe and bar code capable
ASURE Exchange
- For smartcard applications
- All of the features in Enterprise
- Plus iDirector smart card writer
and Oracle Connectivity - Connect to SQL or other databases